Equity Resources
Free and Low-Cost Self-Paced Mini-Courses from the Equity Learning Institute
Understanding Equity and Inequity (or, What the Heck-uity is Equity?) - FREE
Ditching Deficit Ideology: The First Step toward Embracing Equity
Free Downloadable Handouts and Resources
from EdChange and the Equity Literacy Institute
Feel free to download, copy, and distribute these handouts. No special permission is needed.
Equity Literacy: Principles on Students Experiencing Poverty
Five Approaches to Equity: Toward a Transformative Orientation
Teacher Activist Collectives (find educators doing good work in your region)
Taco Night (a brief satirical essay on the trouble with "celebrating diversity")
Find more free handouts and resources here.
Download our articles for free here.
More Equity Resources from EdChange
Items from EdChange or the Multicultural Pavilion can be used, copied, and distributed without permission. For other items, please follow whatever instructions are provided on the web sites where they are found.
Awareness Activities from the Multicultural Pavilion
Equity Awareness Quizzes from the Multicultural Pavilion
Equity Case Studies from Paul Gorski and Seema Pothini
Social Justice Song Index from SoJust and EdChange
Fabulous Equity Resources from Other Organizations
Calling Out Ableism from the Invisible Disability Project
Classroom Resources from Teaching Tolerance
Curricula from NYCoRE
EdLib Lab - database of liberatory educational materials from Education for Liberation Network
Educator Resources from GLSEN
Lesson Plans from the Freire Project
Lessons & Resources from Teaching for Change
The Red Folder - a short video by Ben Kallam
Revolutionizing the Classroom from NYCoRE
Training Guides from United for a Fair Economy
Zinn Education Project from Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change
Our Favorite Equity Web Sites
Other Equity Literacy Institute Initiatives: