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Virtual Equity Institutes and Events

Occasionally we offer or participate in virtual equity learning conferences or series. See below for information on upcoming series and previous series. Click on the graphics for more information.

If you want to receive announcements about upcoming events, signup for our email updates here.


Upcoming Institutes and Events

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Leaders Institute Spr 22 Tw.jpg

Previous Events

  • August 2021: Antiracism Institute for Educational Leaders (led by Marceline DuBose and Paul Gorski)

  • June and July 2021: Antiracist Educator Summer Series (with Cornelius Minor, Marceline DuBose, Taharee Jackson, Seema Pothini, Tess Ormseth, Katy Swalwell, and others)

  • April 2021: Becoming Antiracist Series 3 (with guests Gloria Ladson-Billings, Eddie Moore, Jr., Cheryl Matias, and Kike Ojo-Thompson)

  • March 2021: Advanced Racial Equity Facilitator Training (Marceline DuBose and Paul Gorski)

  • February 2021: Racial Equity Facilitator Training (Paul Gorski and Marceline DuBose with special guest Derrick Gay and host Seema Pothini)

  • October 2020: Racial Equity Facilitator Training (Paul Gorski and Marceline DuBose with special guests Cornelius & Kass Minor and Kelly Hurst)

  • September 2020: Teaching Racial Justice in P-12 Schools (with guests Verna St. Denis, Cornelius Minor, Eddie Moore, Jr., Curtis Acosta, and Matthew Kay)

  • August 2020: Becoming Antiracist Part 2 (with guests Cornelius Minor, Cheryl Matias, Eddie Moore, Jr., and Liz Kleinrock)

  • July 2020: Becoming Antiracist: A Learning Series for White Educators (with guests Cornelius Minor, Cheryl Matias, Eddie Moore, Jr., and Liz Kleinrock)

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